Prayer and Mass Requests
As Sisters of Social Service our life is a balance of prayer and work. Deeply rooted in our Benedictine Spirit we join with people throughout the world asking God to answer prayer. We are honored to include your prayer intentions or to remember or honor your loved ones during our public and private masses, and at other times of community prayer.
You can send a prayer intention to us by email, traditional mail or by calling the number below. One of our Sisters handles these confidential prayer and mass requests.
We will then include your confidential prayer request in our community’s prayers, in prayers at our Villa Senior Sisters’ Chapel, at Eucharist and in quiet times throughout the day. We will honor or remember your loved ones during our public masses, in our Book of Remembrances, and in our community prayer.
Who to contact:

Mary Hatton
By Phone: 818.285.3358
By Email: [email protected]

By Mail:
Sisters of Social Service Prayer and Mass Request
4316 Lanai Road, Encino, CA 91436