We, Sisters of Social Service are women of many cultures who come together to fulfill the Gospel call to welcome the stranger and work toward the common good. We stand in solidarity with all who are pained and enraged by the ongoing assault on the humanity of the Black people through violence by persons sworn to protect and defend them. We stand in solidarity with all who understand racism in its many forms, is a pro-life issue. We pray and work together for the transformation of social arrangements and institutional structures that do not honor the inherent dignity and worth of all persons.
As a predominantly white religious community, we ask forgiveness for any ways that our actions or inaction, our words or silence have participated in the sin of racism. And, we commit ourselves to self-examination, ongoing anti-racism education and advocacy for the eradication of racism in all its forms.
We, Sisters of Social Service, recommit ourselves to the gospel values that inspired Catholic Social Teaching and gave rise to our founding. We recommit ourselves to be a “disturbing Presence of the Holy Spirit” actively engaged in dismantling systems of oppression. We recommit ourselves to promoting “the beloved community” that embraces racial justice as a foundational component of seeking the common good. We invite you to pray and work with us to promote a just society with laws, law enforcement, elected officials and social institutions of every kind that encourage and empower all people to rise to their full stature. “And what does the Lord ask of us; to act justly, love mercy and to walk humbly with our God”. Micah 6:8 July 12, 2020